A couple months ago I came across this cake at 17 and Baking via Lorie at Be Different, Act Normal. Many have tried it, but Elissa was the original.
So I attempted it. And it was almost awesome. And then it blew up when I went to frost it because I stupidly used a heavy frosting and didn't let the layers cool properly.
Hello, my name is Michelle, I am impatient. And I was highly dismayed.
Where was I? Oh yes, my friend Stephanie the overachiever. You will see in just a moment why we are friends.
She's a baker and a confections maker, just whips stuff up in her spare time. You know, in between being an amazing single mom, working full time, throw in a dash of sports and a pinch of throwing together parties like this, oh yes, Mario was hers. Now you're seeing why we're friends, right?
I was telling her about my cake debacle and she immediately lept into action {after she laughed at me and made fun} for you sweet readers, plus she took it up just a notch. Just in time for the fourth, I give you via Stephanie's awesomeness... the Flag Cake!
Incredibly awesome, no?
With all of the leftover cake, make cake balls a la Bakerella.
If you are local and would like Stephanie's contact information, I would be HAPPY to give it to you, just shoot me an email.

Wow, that is so awesome when you cut into it! I appreciate the directions but I don't think I could ever make that work... but I'm going to admire yours immensely!
If that isn't the cutest thing ever! And I would beat you in a race to have no patience anyday!
Oh my, that is awesome! I wonder if I could actually put that together. I want to have a party for the 4th up here!
I do love this cake. I was thinking about trying it. Great directions! What a lovely friend!
Spectacular! I would put a few stars on mine somewhere...love the simplicity and beauty of it!
Thanks so much for sharing!
That is stunning! I love the creativity of it...and the time it takes.
Michelle, your blog is fab! I am newly reading, and so glad I found you! Thanks again for your email, it made my day!
oh man i love that so much! what a great cake!
well done!
This is really a neat idea and it's perfect for the 4th!
Thank you for the diagram! I was a bit lost. And I love the cakeball tip too! I'm one of those that saves the caketops after I've leveled them off!
Would love for you to link up to Fab Finds for the 4th - opens tonite @ 9 pm PST!
Thinking I am going to have to make an attempt at this one. What time of filler did you use between layers??
Lindsay, it was just frosting like the outside of the cake.
i saw something similar on another blog and tried it myself! love love love it! the version i made used the blue batter in the first pan with the red. never thought of cutting the circles though! cool!
Okay well that is AMAZING! What a cute idea! You did a fantastic job -- I'm not sure my baking skills are up to par for that task!
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such kind words!!
That's quite a project, but the outcome is spectacular! Happy 4th!
That cake is truly incredible. My daughter and I have been staring at it for 5 minutes wondering if we could pull it off. You are so clever!
I love it and want to try it but am a little confused. What pan sizes did you use? Also, what kind of frosting did you use on the outside and in between exactly?
Incredibly awesome, YES! I would love to serve this for our barbecue, but it looks waaaay too complicated for me! Give yourself a pat on the back, cuz you did a great job!
Happy 4th!
Carol~~Old Glory Cottage
Absolutely Amazing. I bet your family was totally thrilled... now just add some white chocolate chips to the blue batter and you got yourself stars ;) Just kidding... it is perfect the way it is and the best part is you can make it whatever flavor you choose.
Polwig just won the So Wonderful, So Marvelous fucking awesome commenter of the day award that I just made up. White chocolate chips = brilliant.
Thank you!
I made this cake and everyone was blown away! Thanks for the great tutorial and pictures!!
I made it and blogged about it! www.jenniferbcochran.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for the tutorial!
thank you for explaining it!!! These always boggle my mind! ;)
This is really cute- thanks for sharing!
Clever! I so want to make this!
I love this! However, I do not need any cake in my life right now. My thighs hate you but I love you. xoxo
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