Finn: {To Dave who was eating thai for lunch} Now, I know you like pasta, but you need to choose something else. {under his breath} Uhhhh blueberry toast. We have cabbage. MOM! Do we have cabbage?
Finn: Daddy, you're the BEST cooker. In. Da. World. I LOVE this dinner.
Dave: Mommy made dinner, buddy.
Finn: No, you did da meat.
Dave: Nope, it was all Mommy.
Finn: You ALL are the best cookers.
Finn: What's that on your arm?
Me: It's a bandaid because I had bloodwork done.
Finn: Why is that on there?
Me: Because I went to the doctor and had blood taken.
Finn: Ohhh! Poor Mommy!
{runs off and grabs his docotor kit... comes back with a stethoscope}
Finn: Mommy, please put your arm out.
Finn: I've got fur on me.
Me: Where?
Finn: Right there. {points to a few tiny hairs on his arm}
Me: That is hair. We all have it on our arms.
Finn: Daddy's hair is fuzzy.
Me: Yep.
Finn: Why?
Me: Because guys have more hair than girls do. When you get big like your daddy, you'll have a lot of hair too.
Finn: I don't want to get big and fuzzy.
Dave: You need to take a nap.
Finn: I don't want to take a nap.
Dave: Well you can either screw around or you can get into bed, take a nap, and come with me to pick up the poodle {from the groomer which strangely fascinates Finn} when you wake up.
Finn: {smirking} I want to screw around.
Dave: Maybe we shouldn't say screw around, maybe we should say mess around. You're taking a nap.
Finn: Eh, I want to screw around.

LOL! I love these and I am all about recording them! I wish I was better about writing in her journal the way I was when she was a baby...
Oh my god. That last one is too funny! I almost spit out my drink reading it. Thanks for lifting me up today! :) I really needed the laugh...
Ah yes...the joys of using the wrong phrase. I love the last two very much!
How adorable! I'm glad you wrote all of these down so you'll never forget them!
So cute! That is one of the reasons I have my remember all of those things I never write down otherwise about the monkey. Finn seems like a pretty cute little munchkin!
Please go get me a napkin because my heart just melted all over my desk!
omigosh, i LOVE the "fuzzy" one!! tooo cute. and it totally reminds me of the time that i was brushing my daughter's hair, and i was wearing a tank top, and she looks up at me and says "MOMMY! you are turning into a man! you have fur in your armpits!"
(in my defense, it was morning. i hadn't showered yet. my underarm hair grows really fast. geez, it had only been a day.)
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