Did you keep one? Do you now? I mean other than your blog. While I don't keep a written journal anymore, I do love reading my journals from years ago. It is amazing who I was at different points in my life.
The eighth grader. Can you tell I went to Catholic school? I wonder how the test went...
I have a Confirmation test tomorrow. I hope the Holy Spirit guides me. I need the help.
The angsty teen. I didn't even write why she was so unfair!
My mother is SOOO unfair!
The traveller. Trips to Florida, California, Oregon, France, & Belgium chronicalled.
The girl in her twenties in love with someone who didn't love her back. Apparently I don't even listen to my own advice and I continued to sleep with him all the way through that journal.
DON'T SLEEP WITH {name} bad news, get over it and realize it isn't going anywhere!
And my favorite...
My quarterlife crisis... forever memorialized. HA! Really??? Really I was that girl?
I'm turning 25 in about 45 minutes-- crisis has set in... WHAT am I going to do when I turn 30?!?
When was the last time you dug out your old journals? Do you recognize that girl?

Those sound like me. Funny! I keep a journal now just as an exercise in discipline. It has some crazy stuff in it but it's mostly one liners. I've been consistent for a year, though.
Interesting post!
Love the crisis at 25!!! I always wanted to have a journal. I've started probably like 10 of them and would write for a couple of days and then nothing!! Thats why I love that I've gotten so into blogging!!!
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