Random Acts of Kindness.

02 May 2010
I promise this is the last post about my random acts of kindness birthday.  What I didn't tell you is that Elise followed us around with a flip to record the day for a project that she did at school.  It is done now & we wanted to share it with you. 

Thank you {again} to all of you that participated in my day, even from afar, even if we've never met, even if you never shared your RAOK story here, or if you support my lunacy daily by reading.  You are awesome.

If you're new here, welcome to my little corner of the web.  You can find the following posts explaining just what happened...  I hope you'll stick around and have a look.
The Inspiration
The Giveaway
Free Printable Random Acts of Kindness Cards
The 34 Random Acts of Kindness
The Random Acts of Kindness Party

Get out there and do something nice for someone.

Linking to Friday Favorites, Favorite Things Friday & I'm Lovin' It.


noelle said...

I love it!!!

RN Mama said...

Wow, this is so amazing. I watched the video first, and had tears in my eyes! I also read through the other posts you linked to, and was so impressed by everything you did:) You are an amazing and thoughtful woman!

P.S. What is a RAOK card?

Ashley said...

Dude I was all like crying and shit. So sweet. So awesome. I have to come see you some day. Some how.

Onenow said...


Thank you for showing up the way you are choosing to.


Anonymous said...

Great job on the video, Elise! And Michelle, you already know how proud I am of you and your awesomeness :)

Unknown said...

Great job on the video for sure!!! Well done, and thanks for the links of all the explanations!!! That was great!

Courtney Dirks said...

Way to go Elise, that is so awesome. What an incredible way to document such a special day. I'm still amazed at all the things you all did....Tim McGraw would be so proud to see his song featured with such amazing acts of kindness! :)

Amy said...

Michelle, what you did was amazing. And Elise, what you did with the video made an amazing thing even more amazing to watch! Awesome job!

Jackie said...

I have tears running down my face...that was the coolest thing I have seen in a long while. Bravo.

But the country song...Elise have we lost you to our fair Kentucky???

Holly Lefevre said...

Thanks for putting a smile on my face.,,that was awesome...and it didn't hurt I got to listen to one of my favorite birthday songs (I always tell my dad that was written for him).

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

Crying and love it so much! My favorite has got the be the Target check out guy. He was all, "I mean, if you want to pay for it, who am I to stop you?"!! haha! That is just awesome.

TidyMom said...

This is WONDERFUL!! I was inspired by the same post.....and I'm planning a similar day real soon!!

Thanks for sharing and linking up to I'm Lovin' It! Have a FABULOUS weekend!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for being an inspiration! The ripples of kindness continue to spread!

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