Don't make fun of my old school contraband illegal concert taking point and shoot. Ok, you can laugh a little... go ahead.
It got the job done... for about 32 seconds, and then? The battery died. I kid you not. We've only used it maybe three times in the last two years so, yeah. Dave
The Barenaked Ladies concert was awesome. Seriously awesome. Except, I was in the porta potty when Chinese Chicken came on and my sister was pissed because she says that is our song. Our song! And she loves singing it to me and messing up the words.
Also awesome? We're celebrating our belated Mother's Day since my Janet was in Virginia whooping it up with her girlfriends last weekend. Apparently she and the rest of her crew thought that would be more fun than celebrating Mother's Day with their families. Huh. Maybe we should be offended? Everyone will be here tonight for a feast of shish kabab & rice with a healthy dose of desserts to finish it up.
My not so awesome fun for the weekend? A visit from Aunt Flo and cramps so bad that I had to take a muscle relaxer. Oh yeah.
I feel like the sister on Sixteen Candles. Yeah, I may have
That is the stuff teenage dreams are made of right there.
In other fun non-sucky weekend news... check out this fabulous article LA's Tasting Table did on our friends Michelle & John. They have a new business venture! Michelle, a personal chef, is creating the most insanely decadant fruit combinations, taking everyone's favorite summer treat the popcicle to a whole new level and John, an avid cyclist is pedaling them all over Hollywood on their PopCycle!
Coolest thing ever? I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that is yes.
They talked about the concept over dinner when we were in LA visiting last November and it's nice to see their dream brought to life. I only wish we had been invited to taste test for them! If you are in Hollywood or know someone who is, pass this along and taste it for yourself. I am not even kidding when I say another trip to LA is in order. Dave?
What's up with your weekend? Share it with me in the comments!

I'm so proud of Dave. He's being naughty!
Dude, the Popcycle is awesome. Now I want ice cream.
Yeah to Dave for remembering the camera AND extra battery. Glad you had a fun weekend and the concert was a blast.
I will not depress you with my weekend!!!
Oh how fun! I saw BNL in Berkeley a few years ago and it was such a fun show. Happy Belated Mother's Day!
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