Yeah. Yeah. I know. It clearly stated NO CAMERAS!
I told Dave that it didn't apply to bloggers. But he was all, "I am going to be pissed if I have to walk this camera back to Gigi's house because I know it won't be YOU doing it and I'm not letting them hold our $800 camera hostage."
Then he came up with a plan, I would pack the lense in my purse. He would put the body under his coat and we would sneak it in. That's my boy.
Then as we're backing out of the driveway, he freaks again and I tell him that I'll take our crappy point & shoot because I didn't want him to have a coronary... by the way... if you have any recommendations for a nice, yet not super expensive point and shoot, I'd LOVE to hear it.
So, I switched it out and we get downtown and everyone is all don't take a camera. So I didn't.
And they didn't even blink at us or check for cameras.
And we got to the suite {which was uber nice and lovely & came with drinks, thank you Gale!!} and like 10 people in the suite had freaking cameras in their hands so then I gave him 'the look' and he busted out his cell camera.
But then, while I was lamenting his ruining-ness, & dowloading photos, I came across the following pictures stored in his cell phone.
He took my baby to a bar while I was out of the country with the world's worst uncle, Dougie... ok, not a good example.
And then a concert photo worthy of posting, the love of my life, Mr Hottie Pants, John Legend that was literally 15 feet away from me and I almost hyperventilated because of the hotness.
And Finn & I eating a picnic lunch at Twin Peaks in San Francisco.
And cute pics of Finnegan that I had never seen from a park in Santa Barbara so that I could take a relaxing bubble bath by my very own self when we stayed here.
And this one. Maybe he's not so bad after all?