The shelves have been pulled out, the medicine cabinet emptied, one last decision on a paint color for the new drywall needs to be made. The UPS man has been leaving pretty packages at our door. The dumpster is arriving tomorrow at noon. Dave has been reading tiling books like it's his job. {<-- Sarah, I totally used the right it's/its just for you!} The drop cloths should *fingers crossed* keep out the assinine amount of dust and grime that comes with tearing out almost 100 year old plaster.
And the point is, I'm terrifyingly nervous ready for it to begin. I might need to psych myself up a bit more & find a place to take myself, a toddler, and a dog tomorrow afternoon for naptime, which we just now figured out. At 11:47 pm. We are awesome parents like that.
Tell her I'll even let her hang out in my fancy new bathroom.

1 comment:
Actually, we are redoing a bathroom right now. We have been since mid-January. Yeah, we are just fast like that:)
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