But my Meme does. My {soon to be... like 5 days from now} 86 year old grandma is hard core, people.
And she swears at the tv. Oh sure, she'll deny it in the presence of others, but she totally swears and yells at the tv. She also does a March Madness pool. She plays the pious old lady card, but my cousin John will bear witness.
Yeah, I just had to google, "is it bear witness or bare witness." I'm still not sure. Thanks google.
Back to Meme. I can't divulge the specifics, but she *may* have put a framed photo of Jim Jackson up in her house when he began his career with OSU. It stayed there for more years than I can count, at least through his college and NBA years. She re-painted the living room and didn't put the senior photos of her children back up, but Jim Jackson? He stayed.
Saturday, we're having her birthday party at my house, so I called to verify the desserts and make sure the times were ok... because the games have begun. I also needed to make sure they were shown on non-cable stations because we don't have cable and I have to say, I knew she wouldn't show up to her own party if the Buckeyes were on and she couldn't watch.
Two hours later she called me back. She just wanted to see if I thought she was a lunatic and promised she only wanted to watch if Ohio State was playing. I assured her it was fine and it was her birthday party after all, well she is sharing it with my aunt too, but no one messes with Meme.
I totally want to be her when I grow up.
March Madness & My Meme, my Friday Favorites. If you have a favorite to share, link up with Hillary!

what a hoot! but i think that if you are still celebrating birthdays at 86 you should get to make the rules :) and she is so lucky to have you to indulge her!
That is hilarious! That's great that your grandmother is 86 and still a firecracker:)
Coming over via Hillary- I love this! :) So cool to think that a Grandma can dig basketball that much.
Go Meme!
your Meme sounds like my Grandma. (who just passed away at 96) She loved watching the Miami Dolphins and the Miami Heat and the Marlins....and....
Yes, she cussed at the TV as well.
Happy birthday to Meme!!!!
Your Meme stories crack me up. You better not hang that bunting anywhere near the TV in case it blocks her view.
For the record, it's "bear." A "bare" witness would be a naked one, and "my cousin John will naked witness" makes no sense. "Bear," besides being a fuzzy forest creature, also means something along the lines of "give testimony," and "my cousin John will give testimony" makes way more sense in this context.
/grammar lesson. (Sorry).
I want to be your Meme when I grow up, too! I love it!
LOL...LOVE this! and I agree i want to be your meme when i grow up too!!!
That is hilarious!! If my Nana was still around she'd be like that. She was a firecracker!!
Ha! I love this too. Especially the part where she called to see if you thought she was a lunatic! Priceless.
Now I have some insight. It explains why poor Samantha has to wear all of her Ohio State stuff to school on the day of the games. If she can't find scarlet and grey she won't go.
What can I say about that crazy old lady except she's my Mom. Go Bucks!
That's hysterical. Love it! Wish I could meet her!
I swear Buckeye fans are nuts, one of my good friends is a die hard even though we are thousands of miles away in Washington state! What a precious story about Meme, I love her loyalty!
Wow! What fun...I want to meet Meme, and adopt her for my own!
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