60 miles from a liquor store.
96 miles from a Starbucks.
No Old Navy, or Target, or Kohl's to be seen.
Only the Wal-Marts. (But hey, I saw Marlboro Man in the Wal-Marts so no complaints)
We drink sweet tea and eat chicken fried steak.
Our kids chase stray dogs off with BB guns (country kids, I tell ya).
And we do our shopping...online.
Presenting SugarBritches Christmas 2009 Gift List. It's almost perfect.

We've had our Radio Flyer Horse for nearly 4 years and it has held up to so much abuse. Great quality toy that kids actually play with. For. A. Long. Damn. Time.

Cranium Cariboo is the only game I don't have to play with my children. There is nothing I would rather do than sit and play board games for hours and hours with a 6 year old and a 4 year old who bicker constantly, throw in a 18 month old tornado and all game playing pretty much sucks. But this one....magic.
Being Michelle's Bloggy BFF means I'm put under a lot of pressure to be entertaining. Cause she is fucking funny and its hard to compete keep up be as witty as our darling Michelle is. But I try and you can find me here, where I can't seem to shut the hell up about my kids or living in the middle of Deliverance. And I swear I don't say ya'll all the time.
Later ya'll.

I'm with you on Williams Sonoma 100 %!! My favorite store on earth (probably in the entire galaxy - no - make that universe)! The other stuff is cool too. but more than anything, I do love me some kitchen gadgetry!
Excuse me? 96 miles from a Starbucks? What kind of hell do you live in?
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