Finnegan has already flown twice (well 4 times if you count the roundtrips) so he knows what to expect in the way of the flying process. I chose flights that would hopefully entail him sleeping. Here is my other dilema for the Cali trip though... we are flying in to San Francisco all three together, driving down to LA, and I am flying back with Finn on a flight by myself. I want to take his carseat, but I've not travelled with it before. After our last carseat rental this past March there is no way I am renting again. I know for sure that if we do bring it, we would gate check it with the stroller or use it on the plane rather than checking it because I've heard crazy stories of carseats getting totally effed up when checked. I am so NOT a fan of ever checking luggage {we made it through 2 weeks in Europe with just a rollaboard each}, but if I am travelling with him myself, I am pretty sure I will be checking the suitcase to keep it simple. We were actually contemplating just buying a good, but less expensive car seat for travel {still cheaper than renting one for a week} and as a second car seat. Another option is to get the Gogo Kidz and take our existing carseat, a Britax Boulevard. So therein lies my dilema. What would you or have you done in the way of the carseat when travelling via plane?
The car trips are just a matter of entertainment and praying for him to sleep at least part of it. I've been compiling a list of stuff that works for him (usually) so that packing will be easy for all three of our trips.
- portable dvd player with child earphones {we're contemplating purchasing an ipod touch... any thoughts?}
- crayons & coloring book or notebook
- stickers & a little notebook to stick them in {he's obsessed}
- snacks + drinks {for the plane we'll just bring empty water bottles to fill past security}
- these fellas
- suckers {for takeoff and landing, ear popping help}
- mini magna doodle
- a couple small books {we love the Dr Seuss pocket books}
- a couple matchbox cars

I'd totally give some well thought out advice but seriously you've got your stuff all in a pile. You are ten times more prepared than I would be for a trip like that. You'll be great!
I super love my ipod touch, but I can't really see a kid watching a movie or whatever on it - the screen is pretty tiny. I watch stuff on it when I have nothing with a larger screen available, but I'm not sure that a 2-year-old would be thrilled with it. They also aren't exactly the most durable things ever...and they're perfect size for throwing. I know nothing about kids, though, so maybe I'm wrong. Having said that, I totally recommend one for each of the adults for the plane ride. :)
Jen, he's pretty good with being careful, but I was going to get one of the covers for it. They have one specifically for kids that has a protective case and handles to hang on to it while watching. The portable dvd player is great for the car, but I'm thinking it would be too bulky for the plane.
Ooh, in that case, go for it. :)
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