We had the best time tonight, the party was an absolute success. We had good friends, yummy food, and loads of tricks & treats. My favorite things of the night were the veggie skeleton, the adorable goodie bags, the bread coffin {Women's Day via Be Different, Act Normal}, and the Halloween dessert bar {which calls for a post of its own}. Heck I didn't just have those favorites, I liked all of it... the mummy dogs, the BEWARE caution tape anywhere I could put it, the ominous black hand floating in the witches brew. Everything made me smile. We printed off the spooky FREE tags for the bags from the ever fabulous Lolly Chops.
Now that Finnegan is old enough to 'get' trick-or-treating, it brings a whole new vibe to Halloween. He and his buddies were running from house to house at full speed, he didn't ask me to carry him {or his bucket!} the entire time. Sniff. He's getting so big! They were delighted to yell "trick-or-treat!" and "thank you!" to each candy passer-outer, smiles on their faces as big as can be.
I am sure that our little monkey will sleep well tonight after all of the activity, as I presume is the same for the penguin, the bumble bee, and Spiderman are as well. I promise to get working on the Halloween Dessert Buffet post this week, it was a doozy. For now, I wish you a Happy Halloween from our house! I hope you're enjoying your sugar coma as much as we are.

Good grief woman! Were you a party planner in your past life? You really go all out don't you? I'm am seriously impressed.
I'm 40, but will you adopt me?!
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