Bookie was an amazing baby shower gift from Annie. She got it from her friend in Columbus who owns a FABULOUS company called Bella Blankies. Bookie is a Bella Mini Blanket, though she doesn't have that exact style listed on her website anymore, she willingly made an exact replica for us. He also has the Bella Nap Blankie with satin ruffle that he sleeps with, but it's no Bookie in Finn's eyes. I can not recommend her work highly enough and this is on my list of great shower gifts.
Ted was a gift from my mom when she found out I was pregnant she bought this adorable handmade bear on a trip to Florida. I am panicked at the thought of something happening to Ted. He is made with vintage fabrics and he's pieced together so delicately on the front side and is all one piece on the back. My mother in law has already had to do "emergency" surgery on him, repairing a hole in Ted's neck. It was touch and go for awile there, but he's going to make it. We're just reeeeeallly careful with him, especially after an incident where I almost left him on Finn's first airplane ride.
Monkey came from 3 Monkeys in Portland, Oregon. He was a gift to me from my mom a few Christmases ago and the little bug became very attached so now he lives in Finnegan's room.
Little Monkey (alternately called GREEN Monkey when we brought him home... yes, the little red one) was one of those gift card holders at Barnes & Nobel. Finnegan spotted him in the store and immediately wanted to take him home. So, home he came.
So these are the lovies that live in our home. Each one special, a confidante, a snuggle buddy, a comfort, a joy. Each irreplaceable in his little two year old mind.
What lovies live in YOUR home?

bunny, puppy, bear, and the meercats all live at my house! The meercats were a shower gift...actually, they all were! haha!
Steeler Bear, Best Friend Forever, and Cord Jr.
Middle and Baby each have a security blanket (they call them their "b").
Bumblebee (the Transformer belongs to Eli), Magic Moose (belongs to Cash), and Annie (a ragdoll who is of course Stella's).
None, despite my best efforts. When we went through the whole sleep training stuff a few months ago, I tried really hard to get him into a lovie, but it hasn't happened.
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