you know.... the rest of us on Team Follow Anita If You Think You're Going to Die are over there as well. I would raise my fist in the air to that one, but uh... I can't really move right now.
My new bloggy BFF? It's totally ASHLEYhttp://darlingcompanion.blogspot.com/! Dude, I can even call her Ash because she said so!
So yeah, Ash and I are going to be bloggy BFFs 4-evah. I can even forgive the fact that she's a skinny girl. Psshaaaw your 165. Why then, why is she so dang special that I want to make her my bloggy BFF? I give you the top 8 reasons. {The top 10 is SOOOO last year.}
- She doesn't twitter! I don't twitter! And while she's a former twit(terer) and I am a twitter virgin because I just. don't. freaking. get. it. we can still totally be friends.
- And OMG. Read THIS. Then read THIS.
- She's doing the September Shred with me and not rubbing it in my face that she's way better at it.
- Her husband has a thing for the HOT SECRETARY look! When I shouted this out, Dave simply said, "well, that is just common awesomeness."
- What is not common awesomeness? Pooping. In the tub. Just ask Dave.
- She makes up words. AWESOME AGAIN.
- She has the cutest dang daughter, Sugarbaby that I want to hook up with Finnegan in like 20 years or so!
- She's from Arkansas and well, I TOTALLY would have been the one to give Bill {also from Arkansas!} a BJ in the oval office if I had the opportunity. Um yeah. The Secret Service has just tagged my blog.
So there you have it. I am spitting in my hand and offering it to Ash to shake. GO! Go now! It's ok, I know you still love me. You can cheat. Hit up Sugar Britches and say hola to the bloggy BFF.
UPDATE: As if you needed further proof... check out the comments.

OMG I love you!
Is that strange to say? Sorry. Deal with it.
The chickity china thing is too weird and seriously I think I might die if I don't eat some of the pizza immediately.
Here is to bloggy BFF's forevah!
P.S. I'm not better at the shred. I'm just a damn good liar.
And THAT is why we're Bloggy BFFs!
I feel like the Million Dollar Matchmaker!
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