21 September 2009

I'm BUSY & Stuff

I've been attempting to keep fairly consistent on my blogging, but I'm busy lately.  So very much to do before the arrival of my BFF on Thursday and our high school REUNION on Saturday.  A special blog post is coming about the good things going on in her life, you will be inspired!  So... big reunion.  That's right.  Fifteen years.  And they just tore down my high school.  It's a pile of rubble... not unlike my youth.

{Apology: The terrible photos were taken from the car, ummm... as I was  sort of driving it...}

So, back to my being very busy and important.  I haven't even had a second to send an update to Sarah about the horrid, gawd awful, Jillian hating status of my September Shred.  Oh and a confession, I've been mainlining coffee and m&ms so that should be good. 

I've been cleaning and moving stuff and driving my husband completely insane, but it is almost done.  I promise to have a more substantial update of the fun stuff going on around our house, ahhh the joys of a 92 year old house and it's quirky charm.  For now I leave you with this little hint of the goodness to come...

{My DIY project tonight.}

1 comment:

  1. I told Jillian to eff off after to took a ball bat to my shins. At least that is what it feels like.

    I want to see pictures of the DIY!


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