30 August 2009

101 Things & Amy

So, I've been contemplating this post for a really long time.  It is one of those things that is easy to put off, just as easy as putting of the things ON the list can be.  Here is my reasoning for doing it now, I just lost an amazing friend, mentor, and confidante to cancer two weeks ago.  She was 50 years old. 

I've been doing a lot of thinking about her, what it must have been like to be resigned to the fact that there might have been things on her bucket list that didn't get accomplished, because we all think there will be more time.  We think about things in terms of when I retire, or when the kids go to school, or when the baby is older, or when we have time, but the simple fact is we don't know if time will even be there tomorrow.  That isn't to say that you can't plan for the future, I'm certainly not telling you to not have a plan.  I'm just a big believer in not staying stagnant, we should all be evolving as human beings, we should all be doing and not just talking.   And sometimes we all need a little reminder, a little push to keep that in the foremost piece of our minds.  My girlfriend and I were sitting at dinner last night with our husbands and she summed it up perfectly, "you can spend a whole day cleaning or doing laundry or other mundane things and before you know it, you've realized that your entire day is gone."  So here is my reminder not to let the days slip by so quickly.

First, all the info can be found here...

Second, here are the particulars...
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

And finally here it is... MY LIST expires on Sunday, May 27, 2012.
  1. add a stamp to my passport
  2. blog daily for one month {0/30}
  3. send a package to Any Soldier
  4. learn to sew
  5. organize our house ideas binder & find our dream house
  6. pay cash for a new car
  7. save more monthly for our house downpayment
  8. visit 3 US cities I've never been to before
  9. visit New England
  10. visit San Francisco
  11. read 50 books {0/50}
  12. go on 12 dates with my husband in a year
  13. lose 15 pounds {0/15}
  14. learn Photoshop!
  15. got to bed by 10 pm every weeknight for 2 weeks {0/14}
  16. have another technology free day
  17. join BlogHer
  18. take one photo of Finnegan every day for 30 days {0/30}
  19. get our will completed
  20. get a membership to the art museum
  21. get started on baby #2
  22. try geo-caching
  23. re-vamp our budget
  24. get a massage
  25. host 5 game nights {0/5}
  26. host a Christmas party
  27. get a pedicure with my mom and my sister
  28. try one new food I am not sure I'd like
  29. visit Elise in Kentucky
  30. call my Meme, GramCrackers, and Oma once a week for a month {0/4}
  31. be the one to apologize first
  32. go to bed with a spotless kitchen every night for a week instead of leaving dishes for the morning {0/7}
  33. use my 'good' watercolor paper to create something beautiful with Finn
  34. learn to use the manual setting on our camera
  35. spend money locally 20 times when the option is available {0/20}
  36. write 50 handwritten letters {0/50}
  37. do something kind for a complete stranger
  38. do something kind for a friend
  39. clean out our cup/glasses cabinet
  40. buy a lottery ticket
  41. do the 29 days of giving challenge for the second time
  42. visit Revolver again
  43. write 101 comments on other people's blogs
  44. watch every episode of The Office this season
  45. help Annie get her Etsy shop up and running
  46. take Finnegan sledding
  47. Meet my blogging readership goal.
  48. be a better friend
  49. have a family photo taken
  50. join Toastmasters with Dave
  51. research {and buy} an electric tea kettle
  52. go apple picking
  53. set up an auto payment for Finnegan's 529
  54. hug someone that needs it
  55. go to Zingerman's again
  56. go to Mackinac Island
  57. go to the drive-in
  58. watch The Tudors first season {0/10}
  59. visit Steph, Sirius, Violet, and the dream killer in Chicago!
  60. go to a concert
  61. brush Dexter once a week for 6 weeks
  62. be conscious and try to avoid using the word 'like' for one week in conversation {0/7}
  63. create a list of meaningful gifts for Christmas rather than being absorbed in the commercial
  64. create a new tradition in our family
  65. go camping!
  66. double our monthly family income
  67. take my vitamins every day for a month {0/30}
  68. watch 5 foreign films in 5 different languages {0/5}
  69. research and find the best pre-school fit for Finnegan
  70. remodel the bathroom
  71. eat at 7 new restaurants
  72. have the hallway plaster fixed & paint the hallway
  73. learn how to knit
  74. put in the front flower bed edging and mulch
  75. make macarons
  76. cut out all fast food for 6 months {0/6}
  77. get & make Lisa's recipe for briased short ribs
  78. make Bridget's awesome potato soup again
  79. create a weekly menu plan for 6 straight weeks {0/6}
  80. re-hang the photos in our living room & add more
  81. clean out the basement and get rid of/donate all of the unwanted stuff 
  82. clean up the basement laundry area and make it a more enjoyable place to do laundry
  83. buy a new laptop
  84. buy and install new kitchen sink
  85. win something
  86. complete 30 consecutive days of the 30 Day Shred {0/30}
  87. get Finnegan's baby book up to date
  88. have a picnic with my friends
  89. make a household inventory for insurance purposes
  90. find & buy a new pair of favorite sunglasses... my faves got broken
  91. make a vision board
  92. practice french once a week for 3 months {0/12}
  93. make someone laugh
  94. make a donation to PBS & NPR
  95. buy a pair of red shoes
  96. let someone know how they've changed my life for the better
  97. make Dave an amazing breakfast in bed
  98. rent a house on a beach
  99. host The Night Before again now that we have a 'real' table
  100. Take Finnegan to the Butterfly House
  101. inspire 5 others to make a 101 list... if you do this after reading my post, please let me know & you can do this even if you don't have a blog... just grab a pen and a piece of paper! {05}
You can see my updated list in the tab at the top of my blog.


  1. This is an interesting challenge. I'm thinking about trying it. Sadly, there are several things I would like to put on the list that I know I will NEVER be able to accomplish in the next 2.75 years, so the real question is do I make my list a bit of a cop out, or set myself up for failure?

    P.S. I totally noticed 21...

  2. I was pretty honest about my goals for the next few years, there are a few that are a bit far reaching for that time frame though so I guess my answer is make it a bit of a cop out but put a few challenges that may make you fail. And FWIW, 21 is probably the last thing that will actually get accomplished!

  3. haha on #21. I was going to request that you not update us on the progress of that particular item; however I will be looking for strike-outs on the other ones! Good job on this Michelle and good luck to you! Most of us wouldn't even take the initiave to write the list in the first place, let alone put the plans into motion!

    Question: why is "Amy" in the title of this post?

  4. What a list!

    I've thought about doing this myself but have enver been able to get that many ideas down at one time.

    Good luck!

  5. i'm french canadian..if you want to work on #92 via email ...we can correspond..

    Mon courriel est celina.jamie@cogeco.ca
    Je vit en Ontario, tout pres de Toronto.
    Bonne chance, j'aime ta liste..et je vais en faire une aussi.

  6. oh btw i am making this list..so you inspired me...there you go...

  7. I'm up to #94 on making my list. My next list I should say - my current list ends on September 24th :)

  8. I'm making my list right now! What a great idea! I'm starting with cleaning out the office! FUNNNNN! - Nikki

  9. I am starting my list today!


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