Remember this?
Well, here is the real live version of my Dr Seuss inspired party board. A Seussical time was had by all!

The food was great and because I am slightly OCD in the party planning department we came up with names for everything we served and had little tags saying what it was and which book it was from!
Here is the menu:
Thing 1 & Thing 2 BBQ - pulled pork
Praries of Prax - coleslaw
Poodles with Noodles - pasta salad
Diffendoofer Fruit Salad
Yot in a Pot - baked beans
Schlott's Knotts - rolls
Green Eggs - deviled eggs dyed green by Bakka
A crumb that was even too small for a mouse - empty plate
Pink Ink Yink Drink - pink lemonade
Beezlenut Splash - iced tea

And the awesome dessert display!
The dessert menu:
Valley of the Vungs Chocolate Rock Blocks - brownie bites
Who Cakes - cupcakes
ABCs of Seuss Cookies - frosted cookies with ABCs on them
Yertle's Caramel Turtles - Rolo turtle candies

And here are the favor bags! I ordered Seuss hat tags and glued them on to bags that we filled with awesome Seuss stuffed animals that we bought at Kohl's during their Kohl's Kids fundraiser... thank you so much to DentaLori for calling me to tip me off about this! Our original idea was to purchase Dr Seuss books for all of the kids at Costco, but they stopped carrying the 4 pack of board books just before I needed them! We also included m&m's just in case someone didn't win the count the m&m game above, they wouldn't be left out!

We printed images of Dr Seuss book covers and had them sitting on the tables.

We had a table set up at the entrance with Dr Seuss' Happy Birthday To You book and this sign. We asked guests to write a message to Finn on any of the pages and had lots of really colorful sharpie markers set up. There are some great entries and he's going to be able to keep the book forever.