08 January 2009

Long time, no see.

Do I have any readers left or have you all given up on me? Sorry for the long ass blogging hiatus, like I said in the last post, we've had a rough bit of a go lately. And blogging on the desktop, sitting on the floor of our bedroom (yes that is where my lovely freak of a husband has decided to plop the old dinosaur for "the time being" which, to date, has been 3 months at least) anywho, it's not fun. So we solved that issue tonight by picking up an HP Mini 1033CL. It is freaking awesome and I love it. And it's cute and fun and I can take it with me when I travel to the BAHAMAS on a cruise with my bestest and it's free and we are totally going to have the most freaking fun ever. That is a wholenother post people. OK, so I have lots to blog about including the upcoming trip, the cute dresses I ordered for said trip, my sweet ass friends that do wonderful and suprising things, Christmas lovelies, some good recent dinners and a whole host of other things like wii hernias. So hang in there will you??

1 comment:

  1. girl, you have a lot of blogging to get caught up on! I'm confused, was the computer free or is the cruise free??


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