22 October 2008

House Party!

At the urging of my friend Noelle, I signed up at the House Party website. It is kind of a fun concept. They host a thousand parties on a single date to promote products sponsored by all kinds of companies. You fill out a survey to host whatever parties might interest you and your friends, then you are selected based upon your answers. The first party I signed up was the Arm & Hammer Go Green and I was selected to host! So today, a 22 pound box with all kinds of goodies arrived on my doorstep in preparation for the house party on November 1. I'm so excited about the products they sent that I would have told my friends about them anyway, but now they get to try them for themselves AND take home coupons and other freebies as well. The parties range from kid stuff, to a screening of Sex & the City on dvd, to Barilla pasta, to Xbox games. Go on over and check it out for yourself... and invite me to the party you get to host!


  1. Ok I am so jealous! Why did you never do cool things like this when I lived there????

  2. Jack, I was too busy being a dirty whore and partying with my girls when you lived here.

  3. I am so jealous, I have applied to host about 5 different House Partys and never been chosen. You suck! I don't even know why I want to have one so bad. And since I've been rejected so much, it just makes me want one MORE! haha


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