15 October 2008

Challenge: 29 Gifts - Day 9

Mom, what IS that little bald guy doing in my spot??

Today's gift was a tiny little gesture for a friend that is going through a rough patch. We had a potluck dinner tonight and I brought my stuff and something for my friend. She's got enough going on, so I'm glad I could help in any small way. Heather, I hope that you had a good time with your crazy "internet" friends! You know we're here for you, no matter what you need, no matter what time, no matter how much you need us to do.

Lori, if this doesn't stimulate your ovaries... I don't know what will.
Thanks so much for hosting.
Baby... TONIGHT!


  1. You're mean, mean, MEAN!!!

    Thankfully we were both in a food coma so neither of us was able to move fast enough to make a baby TONIGHT!! lol!

    I had a great time w/you lovely ladies!!

  2. That pic of Gavin and Grant cracks me up.

  3. thank you girls :)

  4. I second Lori. I had like three plates of everything. And I don't feel bad about it.

  5. Amy, I could have eaten a whole loaf of Em's party bread!

  6. Awww...too cute!!!!!! BABY DO IT LORI!


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