22 October 2008

Challenge: 29 Gifts - Day 16


Well. Well. Well.


So Yeah, I was going to post tonight that my gift today was to myself. I went and bought three luscious caramel apples from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.

But then. I fell when I was going in the kitchen to take photos and broke our very pricey camera lens. Awww hell. I think karma just kicked me RIGHT in the ass for being cheeky regarding the giving. So... now I am currently looking for something to really give today. I have 2 hours left to figure it out.

Dear Karma,
Sorry for being a selfish bitch today. Thanks for the reminder. Next time, maybe a little less expensive reminder? I'll do better next time.


  1. You have a Canon, right? Which lens was it? Was it a Canon lens? It's Canon Lens Instant Rebate time, so if you're up for replacing it now and it's one on the list, don't forget to use the rebate. :)


  2. Jennifer, I love you. I LOVE you!

  3. :) Lenses are expensive. Rebates make them at least a little less painful. Rebates also make them a little more tempting...

  4. I too am a lens murderer. I didn't think of the karma angle. I'm going to watch that!!


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