All last year I searched for white pumpkins and was left empty handed. This year, I have scoped out a stash of them and they WILL be mine. Oh yes my friends, they will. Muahahaaahaaaahaa.
Seriously, Dave doesn't get it. He asked me what the hell I'd want white pumpkins for. Of course, that was after I slowed the car (his car that I was driving) and asked him to leap out, steal a few and run back to the car. He wasn't amused. Wait till I tell him they are twice the price of the orange variety.

How can I go wrong? 100% less color than the original and 100% more costly??? I'd be a fool not to!
Are you in the bedroom reading my blog, stalker???? Am I ignoring you or something?
PS. They are pretty. That is all you need to know.
Yes, I'm in the bedroom reading your blog, and yes, you are ignoring me.
Your Stalker
P.S. Pretty-shmitty. It's like buying a bike with one wheel (not a unicycle, but a crappy bicycle with one wheel) and paying twice as much for it.
P.P.S. No one will be able to tell your Neverland Ranch pumpkins are white on Halloween, it's dark out.
P.P.P.S. Why “Neverland Ranch Pumpkins” you ask? ‘Cause their freaky and abnormally white, just like Jack-O. Wow… I didn’t even make the Jack-O / Jack-O-Lantern connection until just now. Weird, huh?
I officially love you.
As if standing up in front of 300 of our nearest and dearest (and Jesus) and announcing it weren't enough... or having your son... it was the Jack o Lantern comment that did it.
WOW! You two are something else! And by the way Dave, white pumpkins taste a little different too. So they are not a one-trick pony.
Are they holding blind pumpkin taste tests in Montana? What kind of reward is that.... necklace o'seeds?
Smart Ass
They are perfect for making Nightmare Before Christmas pumpkin heads!!
Stupid overachievers...
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