Dave very much needed a night out with his friends tonight. I've gone out with mine 3 to 1 lately and he's been working really hard. And he misses his friends because as life goes, they're all 'grown ups' now and don't get together nearly as often as they used to.
Well, on his way, Finn had a puking episode and I called him. Without a word, he turned around and came home. He helped me clean up the mess, put Finn in the bath, and told me to go finish watching the debate while he rocked him back to sleep sans bookie. (Bookie is Finnegan's MUCH beloved blankie, of which there are two, and both were put into the wash.)
When I thanked him profusely for being so freaking awesome, he replied, "hey, I would have wanted you to come home too." And with that little statement, he reminded me gently of the golden rule. When we treat each other with kindness and respect, it begets more kindness and respect. Sometimes we all need a little reminder of that once in awhile.
So do me a small favor. Do something nice for someone in your life. Be kind for no reason other than to put some good karma out into the world.

PS He totally got to still go out with his friends last night.
That was so sweet and so true.
That's how married life SHOULD be.
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