28 September 2008

Accomplishment and my dirty little secret.

This is the husband. That huge contraption he's wrangling is a slit seeder and de-thatcher. We rented it & overseeded the lawn on Saturday. After having the dry well put in the backyard for the sump pump and a tree removed in the front yard and a bit of a thatch problem, we were in need of a good overseeding. Hopefully, this spring will yield a lush, green lawn.

Here is my dirty little secret...

Fair warning, you can still turn away...

Amy, you can relax. I'm not pregnant.

Ready? It's reeeeeallly dirty.

My friends. THIS is my garage. Oh yes. I haven't parked in there in three years. It was used as Dave's "workshop" during our kitchen remodel. It houses our 8 million votive candle holders from our wedding three years ago. Dave stored boxes from his old apartment from five years ago in there. We had a broken lawnmower & a broken edger. And a brand spanking new lawnmower & just out of the box edger. An old grill. And a new grill. Our Christmas tree lights were still out from when we took them down last year.

And THIS is all of that junk sitting in our driveway. I wish that this picture did all that junk justice, but some of it is sitting behind the cars. Some of it is in my mom's truck ready for the dumpster.

And now... READY FOR A CAR!!!

And I thought weekends were meant for relaxing.


  1. Quite the improvement! You're lucky you have a garage to park in this winter. I'm going to miss that.

  2. It's so nice to have all of that done, but I'm kinda disappointed with the garage. I was certain we were going to find Jimmy Hoffa in there, but no such luck.

  3. Nope, just Dave has... "love notes" and a healthy sense of accomplishment.

  4. Nice job!!! Bet it was a lot of work! G did this to ours prior to Gav being born.

  5. How did you know what I was thinking??? Muhahahahaha!


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