Crackers are like crack

27 May 2008
Don't allow this to happen to your children people! The wild eyes, the fixation, the cracker mouth... it's all a sign that your one year old has a problem.

I think we're going to have to take him to some sort of support group. YKW and I are dreading that we taught him to say cracker because he says it over and over and over and well... over again.


Dave said...

Crack(ers) is whack, yo!

Amy said...

Those pics are SCARY!!!

Unknown said...

The problem began early, perhaps with your first sitter... Look what happened to mine..Now yours is headed down the same path, stop him now before its to dang late !!

Bunny @ 86n It said...

He is so stinkin cute! And now I NEED a ritz.

Jen said...

He's so freaking adorable!

Lori said...

Hilarious how he said 'cracker' at the shower yesterday too!

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