Hello, faithful readers of So wonderful, so marvelous! I'm filling in for M while she soaks up the rays in flo 'RIDA, and I am giddy, GIDDY I tell you, with the opportunity to blog on her behalf. I can't decide whether to give you some Libertarian rantings, an in-depth discussion of recycling and global warming (strangely, not at all related to the proposed Libertarian rantings), or show you some more of my tampon crafts.
Instead, I think I will stick with the theme of bringing you all things wonderful and marvelous, and share with you something that I think is indeed, both of the above. I bring you:

Cholesterol reducing, lowfat magic in a happy round shape. What could be better?
Anyway, I hope you try a bowl sometime, and think fondly of me. And then, brush your teeth. The last thing you need is some skank-cheerio breath. ;)
Come say hi to ME sometime. Peace out, biotches!

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